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Tired of Wet Carpets after having them cleaned?
HOST Cleaning System leaves your carpets clean and dry and ready for use.

Your Carpet Stays Cleaner Longer - Unlike many wet cleaning methods, We use and organic, green certified process which will NOT attract dirt and cause re-soiling and spots won’t come back.

100% Green, 100% Dry, 100% Clean

VIDEO " The Secret of the HOST Sponges"

HOST® Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaner is a soft, natural product that is environmentally responsible and works in much the same way as an ordinary kitchen sponge. Just like you would use a sponge to wipe up a spill, or to wash and absorb dirt from a counter or wall, HOST is used to wash and absorb dirt from your carpet fibers. As with using a kitchen sponge, you want to limit the amount of water you use while cleaning. Think of the carpet pile as a vertical surface, like a wall. If you use too much liquid, it will run down the yarn toward the carpet backing, just as too much liquid runs down a wall. If you allow this dissolved dirt to run down the backing, it can be more difficult to remove and can wick back.

Because HOST is a dry carpet cleaning system it carries the liquid ingredients to the carpet fibers in a controlled way. The soft, organic, natural HOST SPONGES contain all the necessary liquid to dissolve and absorb both water based and oil based dirt. It's moistened with water and a blend of environmentally friendly ingredients. And because HOST is a low moisture cleaning system, when you're finished cleaning, the carpet is dry and ready to use immediately.

Chemical and mechanical action is required to break the oil bond and pull the dirt away from the carpet fibers. Then this loosened dirt must be removed. HOST is formulated to dissolve both types of dirt and then to absorb it. HOST cleaning doesn't leave a sticky residue to cause rapid resoiling. A trace of SPONGES may remain in the carpet after vacuuming but it is not abrasive or harmful. This trace amount of SPONGES will be removed with subsequent vacuumings.

For free demonstration call us at + 7.495.766.2502